The Upstairs Gallery ~ Arlington, Texas

The Upstairs Gallery Logo

817 277-6961
12:30 PM - 5 pM

Alvis Ballew
Al Brouillette
Lynne Buchanan
Jim Evans
Karen Foster
Judy Gelfert
Larry Harris
Sam Hopkins
Aron Johnston
Vern Johnson
Darnell Jones
Martha Sue Meek
Jessica Neary

Sandy Rabbitt
Casey Taylor
Doug Walton
Beatriz Welch
Jules White
Margie Whittington
Dotty Zamora


Jef Barton
Jo Ann Bushart
Chris Cunningham
Jess Lord
June Whitacre

Rain Forest Art

Darien Rainforest Baskets

These beautiful baskets and carvings are produced by artists of Wounaan and Embera tribes living in the Darien rain forest of Panama. The baskets made of very fine palm fibers are so finely stitched that they can hold water. Some feature geometric designs while other depict the colorful plants and animals of the region. 

Tagua Necklaces

The carvings are made of Tagua, a palm nut that is sometimes called vegetable ivory.