The Upstairs Gallery ~ Arlington, Texas

The Upstairs Gallery Logo

817 277-6961
12:30 PM - 5 pM

Alvis Ballew
Al Brouillette
Lynne Buchanan
Jim Evans
Judy Gelfert
Larry Harris
Sam Hopkins
Carolyn Jehering
Aron Johnston
Vern Johnson
Darnell Jones
Martha Sue Meek
Jessica Neary

Sandy Rabbitt
Casey Taylor
Doug Walton
Beatriz Welch
Margie Whittington
Dotty Zamora

Jef Barton
JoAnn Bushart
Chris Cunningham
Jess Lord
June Whitacre

Jamie Wyeth

Sam Hopkins


I have always loved art and painting. My sixth grade teacher when my family lived in Seattle, insisted that we all had to have a sketchbook and gave us plenty of time to use it. When we moved to Ft Worth I had a fabulous artist as a neighbor,who was kind enough to share her watercolor techniques with myself and 3 other pre-teenage girls.

I mention this because, these first wonderful artists started me on my magical journey to learn everything I could about color, texture, movement, tones. The more I learned the more I realized that this journey never ends ( thank goodness). It's always changing and evolving.

My deepest wish as a teacher would be to share with an open heart and mind,my love of drawing painting and creating.
As an artist my wish for you as a lover of art would be for you to see the joy, fun,and a little hard work in my pieces.

I taught art classes to all ages for the City of Arlington 13 yrs.(Cliff Nelson RC) I've been teaching the Children's classes at the upstairs Gallery for 5 yrs. along with a few private lessons also at the Upstairs Gallery.